Kidlington & Woodstock Freecycling Group allows you to freecycle your unwanted items and declutter your home. The main rule of the group is keep it free, legal and suitable for all ages. This group is for people in and around Kidlington & Woodstock, Oxfordshire, England. This includes Cassington, Yarnton, Begbroke, Bletchindon, Kirtlington, Hampton Poyle, Hampton Gay, Long Hanborough, Shipton-on-Cherwell, Weston-on-the-Green, Islip etc - and even Oxford!

Friday 2 November 2007

ADMIN: General rules of netiquette

Freecyclers can often include people who are new to the Internet. If that is you, or even if you are an old hand it can be worth remembering the general rules of Internet "netiquette". Netiquette (the etiquette of the Internet) is essentially a matter of common sense and politeness mixed with the concept of treat others how you would like to be treated yourself. Sadly the Internet can often bring about the worst in people, so it really is worth while reminding yourself occasionally of what Netiquette is all about. Rather than restating what the principles and practice of netiquette are we will simply refer you to some definitive Internet resources on the subject. At the top of the tree is one of the most cited resources is the Albion Blog on netiquette. Also another resource is at Learn the Net. I could go on for hours listing resources for you to learn netiquette. I would much rather you spend time reading and digesting the above and if interested search out other resources on the same subject. Eadch one will extend your knowledge and help you become more proficient in Internet life for your own sake. What these do not cover is the concepts of netiquette that is pertinent to freecycling. However I will come back to that in another post.

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